Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 3 of Jury selection

Today was day three of Jury selection. It is going really slowly. I switched my flight to arrive in Florida on Sunday. I was packing my bags and came across some of my Mom's items that I plan to bring with me. Her rosary, and her bible from when she made her first communion. My dad gave me the little Bible for Lauren to carry the day she made hers.
All of your thoughts and prayers are so appreciated by our family.
Tonight is the night before the anniversary of her murder. It will be seven years tomorrow.
We learned alot about what she did the night before she was murdered during the first trial.... My Mother met Michael Gosciminski to get my grandfather's items from the assisted living facility. He actually never even stayed there 24 hours. My grandfather was too sick to be ever admitted there and he was quickly moved to hospice.
At Lyford Cove he met her and helped her out to her car with my grandfather's items. Her twin sister and brother were coming into town the next day and she was going to be coming home soon. My grandfather wasn't doing well. Gosciminski learned that night of her plans. He knew she was going to still be alone the next morning, but not any longer and that his window of opportunity was going away. He placed a phone call to her cell phone at 10pm the night before she was murdered. Strange for an assisted living sales director to call that late? I think so.
Tomorrow is going to be a really hard day for my family. It is always a hard day but knowing that my sister and father will be sitting face to face with my mother's murderer in Florida on the anniversary of her death gives me chills. I will say a prayer and know that God will give us the strength to do this again.

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